Ditch the Cube and Seize the Day

Fernanda H. Meier
10 min readMar 9, 2019


A Wanderluster’s Guide to Becoming A Digital Nomad and Working Remotely

Since quitting my corporate job two years ago and becoming a freelance education consultant and digital nomad, I am continually learning how to make location independence work FOR ME. No two remote work stories are alike, and if these phrases are new to you, you are not alone. Since the dawn of the internet, technology has made it possible for people to earn money and ditch their cubicles for global travel freedom. New vocabulary was born, and a new way of life is growing for people of all ages and…



Fernanda H. Meier

Traveler. Writer. Photographer. Social media maven. #HalfricanAmerican #AtlasArcher and #SoloDateChronicles. @lenubienne on all platforms. FernandaMeier.com